Kali Linux Tutorials - How To Increase Screen Resolution For Netbook

How to Increase Screen Resolution For Netbook in kali Linux:

Kali Linux screen resolution for netbook

Sometimes, the maximum Netbook resolution can be inconvenient for the end user of Kali Linux and it is not always suitable, that which grow them to find a quick and effective solution.
Today we come with a small effective script on all Linux distributions, his name is Newrez.

How to Increase Screen Resolution For Netbook in kali Linux:

Newrez is a nautilus script that not only makes it easy to change screen resolution on the fly, it lets you specify a resolution higher than your display's physical dimensions! That means, if you are stuck at a 1024×768 resolution for your netbook, you can set it to run at 1280 or 1920 width.

How To Download and Use Newrez in Kali Linux?

To Download Newrez Go to the link.
It's so easy to use Newrez we need in the first step make the script executable whit the chmod command, open a terminal and type:
root@k4linux: chmod +x newrez

Now to run the script, type in terminal:
root@k4linux: ./newrez

Enter the resolution size that you want to set, say 1280x750, or 1450x1000 and click OK. If everything go well, your screen should automatically resized to the new width.
To restore the default resolution, you just have to run the script again: say default and click OK.

Newrez can also be run directly from the command line, as in "./newrez 1280x750" or "./newrez default". This makes it a simple matter to switch to create scripts or icons that set your most common resolutions, or to include resolution changes into other scripts or launchers.


 Watch the video tutorial for more explanation:

If you have encountered a problem or you have any questions or remarks please feel free to set a comment.

Source : Kali Linux Tutorials - Screen Resolution Netbook
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