Kali Linux Tutorials - How To Install Vmware Workstation

How To Install Vmware Workstation in Kali Linux 2.0

Kali Linux 2.0 Tutorials Vmware workstations

Most of the tutorials on the net, explain how to install Kali Linux 2.0 on vmware but not how to install vmware on Kali Linux 2.0, while in the installation of vmware I met several problems and that's why in k4linux.com we will explain how to install vmware and repair all the problems that you may have. 

Kali Linux 2.0 - Vmware Workstation :

In the installation of vmware we encountered several problems, and in the tutorial we will explain to you step by step how to fix them.
Here are the errors you might have in the installation of vmware on kali linux 2.0:

Kali Linux 2.0 Tutorials

kali linux 2.0 kali sana

Install Vmware in kali Linux 2.0 :

#Firstly you need to download vmware workstation on the official site : vmware.com/.../workstation 

#Commands used in tutorial :
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
apt-get install -y linux-headers-$(uname -r)

#Follow the video tutorial :
All the steps for this tutorial are explained on a Video on our Youtube Channel you can subscribe to it by this link they are many other tutorials that you can learn about bypassing and hacking and others basics tutorials about kali linux 2.0 (Kali Sana).

If you have encountered a problem or you have any questions or remarks please feel free to set a comment.

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Source : Kali Linux Tutorials Vmware Workstation
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